Different Types of Data Storage Solutions

The right solution for data storage will reduce costs and improve access to data and www.dataroomonline.org/data-protection-made-easy-why-virtual-data-rooms-are-the-ultimate-choice-for-secure-document-management/ improve security for your business. Find out more about the options available and then make the best choice for your company.

Virtual Storage Appliance

Virtual Storage Appliances are software-based alternatives to physical storage systems. They operate in a virtualized environment on a virtual machine. They abstract the storage resources, and present them as an integrated storage device for the VMs. VSAs offer flexibility, scalability, and cost savings, while seamlessly integrating with virtualization platforms.

SAN Storage

SAN storage stores files on multiple disks, which provides more redundancy and higher performance than traditional block storage. VMware vSAN is distinct from other storage solutions which are built on port technology, can be used in a cluster to provide optimal performance and minimal downtime.

Cloud Storage

Cloud storage services come in a variety of forms, but the two most well-known are Amazon S3 and Microsoft Azure. This type of storage is perfect to archive data that isn’t used frequently or to be in compliance with guidelines and standards for industry record retention.

It’s inevitable that tech glitches will arise, but it is important to have a backup plan in place to prevent interruptions in service and loss of crucial business data. A good backup solution can allow you to quickly recover after an issue, while having full access to your data. This is particularly important for your most valuable assets like customer and employee data.

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